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Zombies, The (ゾンビーズ) - Time Of The Season / Friends Of Mine (ふたりのシーズン / フレンズ・オブ・マイン) (Used 7")
Hollies, The (ホリーズ) - Dear Eloise / Butterfly (ディア・エロイズ) (Used 7")
John Frusciante - Letur-Lefr (Used LP)
John Frusciante - Letur-Lefr (Used 12")
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, The - Now I Got Worry (Used LP)
Beagle (ビーグル) - Within (Used LP)
Oasis (オアシス) - (What's The Story) Morning Glory? (Used LP)
Oasis (オアシス) - Whatever (Used 12")
Sold Out -
Oasis (オアシス) - Supersonic (Used 12")
Sold Out -
Beady Eye - Different Gear, Still Speeding (Used LP)
Vaselines, The (ヴァセリンズ) - All The Stuff And More... (Used LP)
Stereophonics (ステレオフォニックス) - More Life In A Tramps Vest / Raymonds Shop (Used 7")
Headcoatees, Thee - My Boyfriend's Learning Karate / Mess Of Pottage (Used 7")
Rosita - Live It Down / If You've Heard (Used 7")
Five Thirty [5:30] - Abstain! / You (Used 7")
Stereolab (ステレオラブ) - Emperor Tomato Ketchup (Used LP)
Bluetones, The (ブルートーンズ) - Return To The Last Chance Saloon (Used LP)
V.A. [Red Harvest etc] - The Sound And The Fury [ep] (Used 7")
Silver Sun (シルヴァー・サン) - Julia (ジュリア) (Used 7")
Guy Cabay (ギィ・キャベ) - Miroirs D'Ailleurs (Used LP)
Sold Out -
Dave Roylance/Bob Galvin - Christmas Is Here (Used LP)
Mont - Joia - Noels Provencaux (Used LP)
Eggstone (エッグストーン) - At Point Loma (Used 12")
Louis Philippe (ルイ・フィリップ) - You Mary You (Used 12")
Beatles, Les (ザ・ビートルズ) - 1965 [ep] (Used 7")
Beatles, The - Let It Be / You Know My Name (Used 7")
Catherine Spaak (カトリーヌ・スパーク) - La Notte E Fatta Per Rubare (夜は盗みのために) (Used 7")
Sold Out -
Opposition - Blue Alice Blue (Used LP)
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Fairground Attraction (フェアーグラウンド・アトラクション) - The First Of A Million Kisses (ファースト・キッス) (Used LP)
Prefab Sprout (プリファブ・スプラウト) - Hey Manhattan! (Used 12")
Pastels, The (パステルズ) - Songs For Children (Used 7")
They Go Boom!! [tgb!!] - The Ruby Lounge (Used 7")
Franco Franchi E Ciccio Ingrassia - Ciccio Perdona... Io No! / Lupara Story (Used 7")
Franco Franchi E Ciccio Ingrassia / Orch. R. Pregadio - Non Siamo Eroi (Used 7")
Simon Park Orchestra, The - Van Der Valk (Used 7")
GC. Barigozzi, F. Bonfanti, S. Parisini - Sensazioni Per Arpa E Flauto (Used LP)
Pazop - Captain Black / Morning (Used 7")
Giles, Giles And Fripp - The Cheerful Insanity Of Giles, Giles & Fripp (Used LP)
Sold Out -
Nirvana - Dedicated To Markos III (Used LP)
Sue & Sunny - Let Us Break Bread Together / Stop Messing Around With My Heart (Used 7")
Los Albinos - Conga Cha-Cha A Gogo (Used 7")
Fantastic Something (ファンタスティック・サムシング) - St (1985) (Used LP)
Sold Out -
AIR French Band - Moon Safari (Used LP)
Sold Out -
Beatles, The (ザ・ビートルズ) - Strawberry Fields Forever [ep] (Used 7")
Catherine Spaak (カトリーヌ・スパーク) - Mes Amis, Mes Copains / Noi Due (若草の恋 / しあわせの二人) (Used 7")
Ernst Brandner - Fahr Lieber Mit Der Bundesbahn (Used 7")